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Having served central Arkansas for more than 60 years, Community Bakery provides quality, variety, convenience and affordable prices. Working on-site...Read More

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Please let us know if you are interested in serving on a committee by emailing us at

Executive Committee

The Executive committee assembles our resources to implement a Main Street revitalization program. Southside Main Street Project has a 13- member Board of Directors with standing committees paralleling the Four Points and a personnel committee. There will be a staff person, the Executive Director, who organizes the committees and manages the day-to-day business. This structure not only divides the workload and clearly delineates responsibilities, but also builds consensus and cooperation among the various stakeholders. This committee heads up the yearly pledge campaign and the general membership meeting.

Committee Members:

Promotion Committee

Promotion advances a positive image of the commercial district and encourages consumers and investors to live, work, shop, play and invest in the South Main Street area. This committee is responsible for all the activities to reinforce that image through advertising, retail promotional activity, special events, and marketing campaigns carried out by local volunteers. This improves confidence in the district and encourages commercial activity and investment in the area.

Committee Members:

Design Committee

Design Committee deals with the physical appearance of Main Street and how to make that the best it can be. Capitalizing on its best assets — such as historic buildings and pedestrian-oriented streets — is just part of the story. An inviting atmosphere, created through attractive window displays, parking areas, building improvements, street furniture, signs, sidewalks, street lights, and landscaping, conveys a positive visual message about the commercial district and what it has to offer. Design activities also include instilling good maintenance practices in the commercial district, enhancing the physical appearance of the commercial district by rehabilitating historic buildings, encouraging appropriate new construction, developing sensitive design management systems, and long-term planning.

This committee executed the very successful "Places, Spaces, and Chairs" public art project. The committee is about to begin a long-term assessment of each block of Main Street.

Committee Members:

SoMa Business Alliance

This committee strengthens a community's existing economic assets while expanding and diversifying its economic base. The Main Street program helps sharpen the competitiveness of existing business owners and recruits compatible new businesses and new economic uses to build a commercial district that responds to today's consumers' needs. Converting unused or underused commercial space into economically productive property also helps boost the profitability of the district.

Our committee has developed and distributed a business directory, an economic recruitment packet, and a retail market analysis to help recruit and maintain businesses.  It is currently organizing an alliance among the local businesses. The business alliance will allow our businesses to communicate effectively and quickly with one another.

Committee Members:

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